In his prologue, John Fowles tells us that A Maggot began as a vision he had of five travellers riding with mysterious purpose through remote countryside. This image gives way to another - a hanging corpse with violets stuffed in its mouth - which leads us into a maze of beguiling paths and wrong turnings, …

Colecționarul este cartea de debut a lui John Fowles. Totuși, când începuse a scrie această carte, în 1963, autorul ei își încheiase lucrul la o alta, Magicianul, aceasta urmând a fi publicată la trei ani după apariția Colecționarului. Pentru unii dintre comentatorii romanelor sale, de pildă, pentru francezul Jean …

Daniel Martin is a novel by John Fowles. It was first published in 1977 and can be taken as a Bildungsroman, following the life of the eponymous protagonist. The novel uses both first and third person voices, whilst employing a variety of literary techniques such as multiple narratives and flashback. The author …

'A remarkable performance... As gripping as The Collector and The Magus' Observer Charles Smithson, a respectable engaged man, meets Sarah Woodruff as she stands on the Cobb at Lyme Regis, staring out to sea. Charles falls in love, but Sarah is a disgraced woman, and their romance will defy all the stifling …