A Long Short War: The Postponed Liberation of Iraq is a collection of twenty two articles written by Christopher Hitchens for the online magazine Slate. The articles support the impending American led invasion of Iraq and were written between November 7, 2002 and April 18, 2003. In the preface, Hitchens is typically …
Blood, Class and Nostalgia: Anglo-American Ironies is a 1990 book by Christopher Hitchens which aims to examine the so-called "Special Relationship" between the United States and Great Britain, with a focus especially on the 20th century. It was reissued in 2004 as Blood, Class and Empire: The Enduring Anglo-American …
La religion se mêle de sexe, contrôle ce que nous mangeons et exacerbe notre propension à la culpabilité en multipliant les interdits les plus arbitraires. La religion diabolise la science, se fait complice de l'ignorance et de l'obscurantisme. Source de haine, de tyrannie et de guerres, la religion met notre monde en …