Savijalad on Terry Pratchetti 19. Kettamaailma romaan ja kolmas romaan, mis räägib Ankh-Morpoki linnavahtkonnast.
"Relvis mehed" on Terry Pratchetti 15. Kettamaailmast rääkiv romaan ja teine romaan Ankh-Morpoki Linnavahtkonnast. Raamatus tutvustatakse esimest korda vanemkonstaabel Angua von Überwaldi ja vanemkonstaabel Detriust. Lisaks on tegelastest tähelepanuväärne vanemkonstaabel Cuddy, kes hukkub raamatu lõpus …
"Relvis mehed" on Terry Pratchetti 15. Kettamaailmast rääkiv romaan ja teine romaan Ankh-Morpoki Linnavahtkonnast. Raamatus tutvustatakse esimest korda vanemkonstaabel Angua von Überwaldi ja vanemkonstaabel Detriust. Lisaks on tegelastest tähelepanuväärne vanemkonstaabel Cuddy, kes hukkub raamatu lõpus …
Pub Date: 2014-10-28 Pages: 384 Language: English Publisher: Anchor Books NATIONAL BESTSELLER Steam is rising over Discworld Mister Simnel has produced a great clanging monster of a machine that harnesses the power of all the elements--.... earth. air. fire. and water -. and its soon drawing astonished crowds To the …
Making Money is a Terry Pratchett novel in the Discworld series, first published in the UK on 20 September 2007. It is the second novel featuring Moist von Lipwig, and involves the Ankh-Morpork mint and specifically the introduction of paper money to the city. The novel won the Locus Award for Best Fantasy Novel in …
'Look after the dead', said the priests, 'and the dead will look after you.' Wise words in all probability, but a tall order when, like Teppic, you have just become the pharaoh of a small and penniless country rather earlier than expected, and your treasury is unlikely to stretch to the building of a monumental …