L'ora dei grandi vermi, ripubblicato anche come La conquista di Ganimede, è un romanzo di fantascienza scritto nel 1967 da Philip K. Dick e Ray Nelson.

Minority Report is a collection of science fiction stories by Philip K. Dick. It was first published by Gollancz in 2002. Most of the stories had originally appeared in the magazines Fantastic Universe, Astounding, Space Science Fiction, Galaxy Science Fiction, Worlds of Tomorrow, and Fantasy and Science Fiction.

The Best of Philip K. Dick is a collection of science fiction stories by Philip K. Dick. It was first published by Del Rey Books in 1977. Many of the stories had originally appeared in the magazines Planet Stories, Fantasy and Science Fiction, Space Science Fiction, Imagination, Astounding Stories, Galaxy Science …

In questo piccolo mondo è un romanzo di Philip K. Dick, scritto intorno al 1957 e pubblicato postumo nel 1985. Fa parte dei romanzi non di fantascienza dello scrittore statunitense.

Mood organs. Scramble suits. Poison tongue darts. Philip K. Dick (1928-1982) may have invented more wildly imaginative creations per novel than any of his peers. An eccentric whose mind danced on the blurry edge between illusion and reality, madness and metaphysics, he produced a body of work that no science fiction …