Misja międzyplanetarna – powieść fantastycznonaukowa kanadyjskiego pisarza A. E. van Vogta, opublikowana w 1950 roku pod tytułem The Voyage of the Space Beagle, ponownie wydana w 1952 r. pod tytułem Mission: Interplanetary. W Polsce wydana przez Iskry w 1972 r. w serii Fantastyka-Przygoda, w tłumaczeniu Zofii …
The World of Null-A, sometimes written The World of Ā, is a 1948 science fiction novel by A. E. van Vogt. It was originally published as a three-part serial in Astounding Stories. It incorporates concepts from the General Semantics of Alfred Korzybski. The name Ā refers to non-Aristotelian logic.
In the 1940s, the Golden Age of science fiction flowered in the magazine Astounding. Editor John W. Campbell, Jr., discovered and promoted great new writers such as A.E. van Vogt, whose novel Slan was one of the works of the era. Slan is the story of Jommy Cross, the orphan mutant outcast from a future society …