image of Abraham Merritt

Abraham Merritt

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O lume dispărută este un roman scris în anul 1912 de Arthur Conan Doyle, despre o expediție pe un platou abrupt din America de Sud, unde supraviețuiesc animale preistorice, precum dinozauri și alte specii dispărute. Personajul profesorului Challenger a fost introdus în această carte. Demn de semnalat este faptul că, …

... Unknown

The Moon Pool is a fantasy novel by Abraham Merritt. It originally appeared as two short stories in All-Story Weekly: "The Moon Pool" and its sequel, "Conquest of the Moon Pool". These were then reworked into a novel released in 1919. The protagonist, Dr. Goodwin, would later appear in Merritt's second novel The Metal …

... Unknown

The Ship of Ishtar is a fantasy novel by A. Merritt. Originally published as a magazine serial in 1924, it has appeared in book form innumerable times.

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Dwellers in the Mirage is a fantasy novel by A. Merritt. It was first published in book form in 1932 by Horace Liveright. The novel was originally serialized in six parts in the magazine Argosy beginning with the January 23, 1932 issue.

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Seven Footprints to Satan is a book written by Abraham Merritt.

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The Face in the Abyss is a classic from a "golden age" of science fiction. A brilliant tale filled with weird imagination, marvelous writing, horror, beauty, and it may well be called the most "visual" book ever written for the world of fantasy. The Face in the Abyss is a grand book with a grand cast of characters. …

... Unknown

"The Metal Monster" by Abraham Merritt. Published by Good Press. Good Press publishes a wide range of titles that encompasses every genre. From well-known classics & literary fiction and non-fiction to forgotten−or yet undiscovered gems−of world literature, we issue the books that need to be read. Each Good Press …

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