A new-look printing of Agatha Christie's `most absorbing mystery' to mark the 25th anniversary of her death. Agatha Christie died on 12 January 1976, having become the best-selling novelist in history. Her autobiography, published in 1977 a year after her death, tells of her fascinating private life, from early …

Vaarallinen talo on Agatha Christien salapoliisiromaani, joka ilmestyi Yhdysvalloissa helmikuussa 1932 Dodd, Mead and Companyn kustantamana ja Britanniassa saman vuoden maaliskuussa Collins Crime Clubin kustantamana. Suomessa Vaarallinen talo ilmestyi vuonna 1936 O. A. Joutsenen suomennoksena. Kirjan päähenkilönä on …

Unfinished Portrait is a semi-autobiographical novel written by Agatha Christie and first published in the UK by Collins in March 1934 and in the US by Doubleday later in the same year. The British edition retailed for seven shillings and sixpence and the US edition at $2.00. It is the second of six novels Christie …