The formidable Hercule Poirot heads to the links when millionaire Monsieur Renauld turns up dead on the golf course with a long line of suspects waiting to play through, including the victim's wife, his embittered son, and his mistress, in a reissue of one of the author's classic mysteries. Reissue.
Hänet täytyy tappaa on Agatha Christie salapoliisiromaani, joka ilmestyi Britanniassa Collins Crime Clubin kustantamana 1938. Teoksen on suomentanut Helsingin yliopiston suomentajakurssin työryhmä, ja suomennos ilmestyi vuonna 1971 WSOY:n kustantamana. Romaanin pääosassa on belgialainen yksityisetsivä Hercule Poirot. …
After the Funeral is a work of detective fiction by Agatha Christie and first published in the US by Dodd, Mead and Company in March 1953 under the title of Funerals are Fatal and in UK by the Collins Crime Club on 18 May of the same year under Christie's original title. The US edition retailed at $2.50 and the UK …