《一個都不留》,又譯《十個小黑人》、《童謠謀殺案》、《孤島奇案》、《十個小印第安人》、《無人生還》、《孤島十命》等,是著名的英國推理小說作家阿加莎·克里斯蒂的作品,也是她生涯中最著名的作品之一,被認為是歷史上成就最高的推理小說之一,出版於1939年,全球銷量超過一億冊。 …

《东方快车谋杀案》是著名的英国推理小说作家阿加莎·克里斯蒂的作品之一,主角为名侦探赫丘里·波洛,英国柯林斯犯罪俱乐部于1934年1月1日出版,美国达德米德公司则于同年稍后于美国发行,书名为加莱车厢谋杀案。《东方快车谋杀案》被广泛的认为是阿加莎·克里斯蒂生涯最杰出与最著名的作品之一。1974年的同名电影《东方快车谋杀案》被认为是阿加莎·克里斯蒂的作品中最成功的改编电影之一。 《东方快车谋杀案》英国版的零售价为七先令六便士,美国版则是2.00美元 …

Roger Ackroyd knew too much. He knew that the woman he loved had poisoned her brutal first husband. He suspected also that someone had been blackmailing her. Then, tragically, came the news that she had taken her own life with a drug overdose. But the evening post brought Roger one last fatal scrap of information. …

《尼罗河上的惨案》,是阿嘉莎·克莉丝蒂所创作的侦探小说,它由英国的柯林斯犯罪小说俱乐部在一九三七年十一月首次出版,在美国则由达德米德公司于隔年出版。 英国版售价是七先令六便士,而美国版则是两美元。 这本书的出场角色是比利时侦探赫尔克里·波洛。主要场景设在埃及,并大多数在尼罗河上发生。 …

斯泰尔斯庄园奇案是阿加沙·克里斯蒂写于1916年的一本侦探小说。1920年10月在美国由约翰雷恩第一次出版,售价两美金。在英国,于1921年2月1日由约翰雷恩的英国公司The Bodley Head第一次出版。 …

Agatha Christie’s beloved classic The A.B.C. Murders sets Hercule Poirot on the trail of a serial killer.There’s a serial killer on the loose, working his way through the alphabet and the whole country is in a state of panic.A is for Mrs. Ascher in Andover, B is for Betty Barnard in Bexhill, C is for Sir Carmichael …

The Body in the Library is a work of detective fiction by Agatha Christie and first published in the US by Dodd, Mead and Company in February 1942 and in UK by the Collins Crime Club in May of the same year. The US edition retailed at $2.00 and the UK edition at seven shillings and sixpence. The novel features her …

Murder at the Vicarage marks the debut of Agatha Christie’s unflappable and much beloved female detective, Miss Jane Marple. With her gift for sniffing out the malevolent side of human nature, Miss Marple is led on her first case to a crime scene at the local vicarage. Colonel Protheroe, the magistrate whom everyone …

Elspeth McGillicuddy was not a woman usually given to hallucinations. But when she witnesses what appears to be a woman being strangled on a train and no-one else sees it, no-one reports it and no corpse is found she turns to her old friend Jane Marple to help solve the puzzle. Marple asks her highly efficient and …

Cards on the Table is a detective novel by Agatha Christie and first published in the UK by the Collins Crime Club on 2 November 1936 and in the US by Dodd, Mead and Company the following year. The UK edition retailed at seven shillings and sixpence and the US edition at $2.00. The book features the recurring …