The Burden is a novel written by Agatha Christie and first published in the UK by Heinemann on 12 November 1956. Initially not published in the US, it was later issued as a paperback by Dell Publishing in September 1963. It was the last of six novels Christie wrote under the nom-de-plume Mary Westmacott.

The Secret of Chimneys is a work of detective fiction by Agatha Christie, first published in the UK by The Bodley Head in June 1925 and in the US by Dodd, Mead and Company later in the same year. It introduces the characters of Superintendent Battle and Lady Eileen "Bundle" Brent. The UK edition retailed at seven …

Partners in Crime is a short story collection written by Agatha Christie and first published by Dodd, Mead and Company in the US in 1929 and in the UK by William Collins & Sons on 16 September of the same year. The US edition retailed at $2.00 and the UK edition at seven shillings and sixpence. All of the stories …

Roger Ackroydin murha on Agatha Christien kirjoittama salapoliisiromaani, joka ilmestyi ensimmäisen kerran Britanniassa kesäkuussa 1926. Se on suomennettu kolme kertaa: Odottamaton ratkaisu, Kello 9,10 ja Roger Ackroydin murha. Roger Ackroydin murha oli Agatha Christien ensimmäinen romaani hänen uudelle kustantajalle …