Revelation Space är första delen i en trilogi skriven av den brittiske författaren Alastair Reynolds. Boken har fått ge namn åt hela sviten och även universumet där handlingen utspelar sig. Handlingen utspelar sig i framtiden när mänskligheten börjat kolonisera närliggande solsystem. Genren är en blandning av hård …

Chasm City är en science fiction-deckare som utspelar sig i det universum Alastair Reynolds beskriver i sin Revelation Spacetrilogi. Deckaren behandlar teman som identitet, minne och odödlighet, där mycket av beskrivningarna i boken utgår från den ovanliga samhälleliga strukturen i Chasm City, som är ett viktigt nav i …

Redemption Ark is a 2002 hard science fiction space opera novel by Welsh author Alastair Reynolds. It is the second book in the Revelation Space series, and it continues the story of Nevil Clavain begun in the short stories "Great Wall of Mars" and "Glacial". The novel was named "Best Science Fiction Novel of the …

Absolution Gap is a 2003 space opera novel by Welsh author Alastair Reynolds. It takes place in the Revelation Space universe and is a direct sequel to Redemption Ark.

2057. Bella Lind and the crew of her nuclear-powered ship, the Rockhopper, push ice. They mine comets. But nothing can prepare them for the surprises in store when Janus, one of Saturn's ice moons, spins out of control.

Three hundred years from now, Earth has been rendered uninhabitable due to the technological catastrophe known as the Nanocaust. Archaeologist Verity Auger specializes in the exploration of its surviving landscape. Now, her expertise is required for a far greater purpose. Something astonishing has been discovered at …

Diamond Dogs, Turquoise Days is a 2003 compilation of two science fiction novellas by writer Alastair Reynolds. Both are set in the Revelation Space universe, but are almost entirely unconnected with the plots of any of the novels in the same story arc.

The Prefect is a 2007 science fiction novel by Welsh author Alastair Reynolds. It is the fifth novel set in the Revelation Space universe, and takes place prior to the four previously released Revelation Space novels, but after some of the short stories. It is a standalone novel, containing no characters from any …

House of Suns is a 2008 science fiction novel by Welsh author Alastair Reynolds ( ISBN 0-575-07717-4). He announced the title on June 7, 2007, and the fact that he was about halfway done writing it at the time. He had announced a few months earlier that he was working on a new novel that was not set in the Revelation …