Nine hundred thousand years ago, something wiped out the Amarantin. For the human colonists now settling the Amarantin homeworld Resurgam, it's of little more than academic interest, even after the discovery of a long-hidden, almost perfect Amarantin city and a colossal statue of a winged Amarantin. For brilliant but …

Chasm City is a 2001 science fiction novel by author Alastair Reynolds, set in the Revelation Space universe. It deals with themes of identity, memory, and immortality, and many of its scenes are concerned primarily with describing the unusual societal and physical structure of the titular city, a major nexus of …

Redemption Ark is a 2002 hard science fiction space opera novel by Welsh author Alastair Reynolds. It is the second book in the Revelation Space series, and it continues the story of Nevil Clavain begun in the short stories "Great Wall of Mars" and "Glacial". The novel was named "Best Science Fiction Novel of the …

"Absolution Gap" on kõmri päritolu Briti kirjaniku Alastair Reynoldsi sarja "Revelation Space" neljas ulmeromaan, mille tegevus toimub neljal perioodil: 2615, 2675, 2727 ja 3125. Raamat on otsene järg romaanile "Redemption Ark", see ilmus 2003. aastal.

"'Pushing Ice'" on walesi päritolu Briti kirjaniku Alastair Reynoldsi poolt kirjutatud ulmeromaan, mille tegevus kajastab kosmoselaeva Rockhopperi meeskonna tegemisi uurides Saturni kuu Januse oma orbiidilt lahkmise põhjust.

Three hundred years from now, Earth has been rendered uninhabitable due to the technological catastrophe known as the Nanocaust. Archaeologist Verity Auger specializes in the exploration of its surviving landscape. Now, her expertise is required for a far greater purpose. Something astonishing has been discovered at …

Diamond Dogs, Turquoise Days is a 2003 compilation of two science fiction novellas by writer Alastair Reynolds. Both are set in the Revelation Space universe, but are almost entirely unconnected with the plots of any of the novels in the same story arc.

The Prefect is a 2007 science fiction novel by Welsh author Alastair Reynolds. It is the fifth novel set in the Revelation Space universe, and takes place prior to the four previously released Revelation Space novels, but after some of the short stories. It is a standalone novel, containing no characters from any …

"'Hous of Suns'" on walesi päritolu Briti kirjaniku Alastair Reynoldsi poolt kirjutatud ulmeromaan, mis räägib Abigail Gentiani poolt 31 sajandil loodud kloonide liini saatusest 6 miljonit aastat hiljem. Campion ja Pruslane on kaks Gentian Line esindajat, kes hilinevad oma liini 32. kokkusaamisele. Teel saavad nad …