L'Autobiographie de Malcolm X est un récit autobiographique écrit par Malcolm X en collaboration avec Alex Haley et publié en 1965.

Racines est un roman de Alex Haley publié en 1976 sur l'histoire d'une famille afro-américaine en Amérique du Nord, de l'époque de l'esclavage à l'époque contemporaine. L'auteur remporta en 1977, le Prix Pulitzer pour cet ouvrage.

Queen: The Story of an American Family is a 1993 partly factual historical novel by Alex Haley and David Stevens. It brought back to the consciousness of many white Americans the plight of the children of the plantation: the offspring of black slave women and their white masters, who were legally the property of their …

Mama Flora's Family is a 1997 historical fiction novel by Alex Haley and David Stevens. The story spans from the 1920s to the 1990s as it follows Flora, a daughter of poor black Mississippi sharecroppers, and her descendants. Haley died before completing the novel, with Stevens finishing the story line. In 1998 the …