2015 Edition: With a New Preface, Afterword, and Updates."Alexandra Robbins rips into the secret, sordid underbelly of sororities."--Vanity FairUpdated ten years after it is original publication, Pledged by Alexandra Robbins is as timely today as it was when first published. With salacious breaking news about …

The Overachievers or The Overachievers: The Secret Lives of Driven Kids is a nonfiction book written by Alexandra Robbins. Using the example of some American teenagers, it centers upon overachievement in high school, emphasizing its negative effect in modern American society. It specifically examines the belief that …

In a smart, entertaining, reassuring book that reads like fiction, Alexandra Robbins manages to cross Gossip Girl with Freaks and Geeks and explain the fascinating psychology and science behind popularity and outcasthood. She reveals that the things that set students apart in high school are the things that help them …