image of Amelia


... Unknown

Wyvernhail is the fifth book in the Kiesha'ra Series by Amelia Atwater-Rhodes. The preceding four books in order are: Hawksong, Snakecharm, Falcondance, and Wolfcry. It is told from the point of view of Hai the gyrfalcon, cobra mix, who is struggling to find a way out of Ecl, or the darkness. It was released on …

... Unknown

Wolfcry is the fourth installment of the Kiesha'ra Series by American author Amelia Atwater-Rhodes. The book is narrated by Oliza Shardae Cobriana, a fictional character who is the daughter of Zane Cobriana, a cobra shapeshifter, and Danica Shardae, a hawk shapeshifter. She lives in a world of cobra, avian, and falcon …