Becoming Madame Mao is a historical novel by Anchee Min detailing the life of Jiang Qing. She became Madame Mao after her marriage to Mao Zedong. In this story Min tries to cast a sympathetic light on one of the most controversial political figures in the People's Republic of China.

Katherine is the first novel by Anchee Min. It was published by Riverside Books in 1995.

Red Azalea is a memoir of Chinese American writer Anchee Min. It was written during the first eight years she spent in the United States, from 1984 to 1992, and tells the story of her personal experience during the Cultural Revolution.

The Last Empress adalah novel fiksi sejarah karya Anchee Min yang berisi catatan kehidupan Ibusuri Cixi dari saat ia memperoleh kekuasaan sebagai Ibusuri Tzu-Hsi, hingga kematiannya pada usia 72 tahun. Novel ini merupakan sekuel dari novel Empress Orchid. Cerita dimulai dengan kematian ibu Anggrek, dan meningkatnya …