This is the major autobiographical statement from Nobel laureate André Gide. In the events and musings recorded here we find the seeds of those themes that obsessed him throughout his career and imbued his classic novels The Immoralist and The Counterfeiters. Gide led a life of uncompromising self-scrutiny, and his …

"Strait is the Gate", first published in 1909 in France as "La Porte etroite", is a novel about the failure of love in the face of the narrowness of the moral philosophy of Protestantism. --- André Gide (1869 - 1951) was a French author and winner of the Nobel Prize in literature in 1947. Gide's career spanned from …

Les Faux-monnayeurs est un roman écrit par André Gide, publié en 1925 dans la Nouvelle Revue française. Alors que Gide a déjà écrit de nombreuses œuvres à cette époque, telles Les Caves du Vatican, il affirmera dans la dédicace à Roger Martin du Gard que c'est son « premier roman ». Construit avec minutie, ce roman …