"Strait is the Gate", first published in 1909 in France as "La Porte etroite", is a novel about the failure of love in the face of the narrowness of the moral philosophy of Protestantism. --- André Gide (1869 - 1951) was a French author and winner of the Nobel Prize in literature in 1947. Gide's career spanned from …

Penězokazi je román francouzského spisovatele Andrého Gida, nositele Nobelovy ceny za literaturu za rok 1947. V románu autor zachycuje formou, která v mnohém předznamenává estetiku dnešního „nového románu“, pařížské prostředí měšťanských vrstev před první světovou válkou. Je to prostředí s konvenčními manželskými …

La Symphonie Pastorale is a French novella written by André Gide published in 1919. The work was made into a film in 1946 by Jean Delannoy, with Michèle Morgan in the principal role as Gertrude. A version was produced for Australian television in 1958.

Penězokazi je román francouzského spisovatele Andrého Gida, nositele Nobelovy ceny za literaturu za rok 1947. V románu autor zachycuje formou, která v mnohém předznamenává estetiku dnešního „nového románu“, pařížské prostředí měšťanských vrstev před první světovou válkou. Je to prostředí s konvenčními manželskými …

This is the major autobiographical statement from Nobel laureate André Gide. In the events and musings recorded here we find the seeds of those themes that obsessed him throughout his career and imbued his classic novels The Immoralist and The Counterfeiters. Gide led a life of uncompromising self-scrutiny, and his …

Corydon is a book by André Gide consisting of four socratic dialogues on homosexuality. The name of the book comes from Virgil's pederastic character Corydon. Parts of the text were separately privately printed from 1911 to 1920, and the whole book appeared in its French original in France in May 1924 and in the …