The Track of Sand is a 2007 novel by Andrea Camilleri, translated into English in 2010 by Stephen Sartarelli. It is the twelfth novel in the internationally popular Inspector Montalbano series. The Sicilian inspector looks out his window and sees the carcass of a horse on the beach. The animal, he discovers, has been …

The Wings of the Sphinx is a 2006 novel by Andrea Camilleri, translated into English in 2009 by Stephen Sartarelli. It is the eleventh novel in the internationally popular Inspector Montalbano series.

Un recueil d'enquêtes policières, toutes menées par Montalbano et ses fidèles acolytes.Un couple de vieux acteurs qui s'amuse à mourir avant l'heure. Un berger lapidateur aussi roublard que cachottier. Un maltais errant, torturé jour et nuit par son perturbant passé de juge de cour d'assises. Un comptable à moitié fou …