Geralt is a witcher, a man whose magic powers, enhanced by long training and a mysterious elixir, have made him a brilliant fighter and a merciless assassin. Yet he is no ordinary murderer: his targets are the multifarious monsters and vile fiends that ravage the land and attack the innocent. He roams the country …

Geralt of Rivia is on a mission to save his ward, Ciri, and with her the world, in this third novel in the bestselling Witcher series that inspired the Netflix show and video games. The Wizards Guild has been shattered by a coup and, in the uproar, Geralt was seriously injured. The Witcher is supposed to be a guardian …

Geralt the Witcher races to find his missing ward, Ciri, in this fourth novel in the bestselling Witcher series that inspired the Netflix show and video games. The world has fallen into war. Ciri, the child of prophecy, has vanished. Hunted by friends and foes alike, she has taken on the guise of a petty bandit and …

Geralt de Rívia é um bruxo. Um feiticeiro cheio de astúcia. Um matador impiedoso. Um assassino de sangue-frio, treinado desde a infância para caçar e eliminar monstros. Seu único objetivo: destruir as criaturas do mal que assolam o mundo. Um mundo fantástico criado por Sapkowski com claras influências da mitologia …