Gulag: A History, juga diterbitkan dengan judul Gulag: A History of the Soviet Camps, adalah sebuah buku nonfiksi yang membahas sejarah sistem Gulag di Uni Soviet. Buku ini ditulis oleh penulis asal Amerika Serikat, Anne Applebaum, dan diterbitkan tahun 2003 oleh Doubleday. Gulag memenangkan Hadiah Pulitzer untuk …

Paperback. Pub Date :2013-08-13 Pages: 640 Language: English Publisher: Random House US National Book Award FinalistTIME Magazines # 1 Nonfiction Book of 2012A New York Times Notable BookA Washington Post Top Ten Book of 2012Best Nonfiction of 2012: The Wall Street Journal. The Plain DealerIn the much-anticipated …

The Pulitzer Prize-winning author, professor, and historian offers an expert guide to understanding the appeal of the strongman as a leader and an explanation for why authoritarianism is back with a menacing twenty-first-century twist. Across the world today, from the Americas to Europe and beyond, liberal democracy …