Acorna's Quest is a fantasy or science fiction novel by Anne McCaffrey and Margaret Ball. It is the sequel to their Acorna: The Unicorn Girl; those two were the first books in the Acorna Universe series that comprises ten books as of 2011. McCaffrey and Elizabeth Ann Scarborough continued the series beginning with …

La Planète des dinosaures est un roman de science-fiction de l'écrivain américaine Anne McCaffrey, publié aux États-Unis en 1978 et en France en 1980. Il fait partie d'une série de deux romans dont le deuxième volume intitulé Dinosaur Planet Survivors est inédit en français.

Killashandra thought her world had ended when she was told she would never become a concert singer.And then she met the stranger from off-world.He said he was a Crystal Singer - one of the unique ones of the Galaxy - and when Killashandra tried to find out what a Crystal Singer was the answers were vague, obscure.All …