As willful as her mother, The Rowan, ever was, and possessing unimaginable powers, Damia defies her family's attempts to tame and train her--only to bond with Afra Lyon, a Talent who serves The Rowan, and who becomes the object of her affection.

A continuation of the chronicles of the Talents, begun in The Rowan and Damia. In the deeps of space, Mrdini scouts have crossed the path of three Hive ships - ships that are giant hulks of cell units, bearing the queens and workers out into space, to breed, multiply and destroy.

Deluge is a book published in 2008 that was written by Anne McCaffrey and Elizabeth Ann Scarborough.

Dragondrums is a young adult science fiction novel by the American-Irish author Anne McCaffrey. Published by Atheneum Books in 1979, it was the sixth to appear in the Dragonriders of Pern series by Anne or her son Todd McCaffrey. Dragondrums completed the Harper Hall of Pern trilogy one year after The White Dragon …