Christ the Lord: The Road to Cana is a novel depicting the life of Jesus, written by Anne Rice and released in 2008. It is the sequel to Christ the Lord: Out of Egypt, and is part of a proposed four-part series about the life of Jesus.

The acclaimed author of Servant of the Bones makes real for us the exquisite and otherworldly society of the eighteenth-century castrati, the delicate and alluring male sopranos whose graceful bodies and glorious voices brought them the adulation of the royal courts and grand opera houses of Europe, men who lived as …

Cry to Heaven is a novel by American author Anne Rice published by Alfred A. Knopf in 1982. Taking place in eighteenth-century Italy, it follows the paths of two unlikely collaborators: a Venetian noble and a maestro from Calabria, both trying to succeed in the world of the opera.

Exit to Eden is a 1985 novel by Anne Rice, initially published in under the pen name Anne Rampling, but subsequently under Rice's name. The novel explores the subject of BDSM in romance novel form. The novel also brought attention to Rice's published works that differed from the type of writing she was better known …