Who, I ask you, wants to drag his bones out of the earth, reclothed in flesh which, in some foul magic of reversal, is regurgitated by the worms, in order that his eyes may see God? Who, I ask you, wants to live for ever? Sadoc son of Azor, a retired shipping clerk lying diseased and dying on the outreaches of the …

The Clockwork Testament is a novella by the British author Anthony Burgess. It is the third of Burgess' four Enderby novels and was first published in 1974 by Hart-Davis, MacGibbon Publishers. It is usually subtitled Enderby's End, as it was originally intended to be the last book in the Enderby series. However, a …

The Enemy in the Blanket is the second novel in Anthony Burgess's Malayan Trilogy The Long Day Wanes. The title is a literal translation of the Malay idiom "musuh dalam selimut", which means to be betrayed by an intimate, alluding to the struggles of marriage but also other betrayals in the story. The novel charts the …

The Eve of Saint Venus is a novella, or, as he put it, "opusculum", by Anthony Burgess on the theme of marriage. It was first published in 1964. A new edition of the book, which Burgess described as a "tribute to matrimony", was dedicated to the Prince and Princess of Wales, and published in 1981, the year of their …