1985 is a novel by English writer Anthony Burgess. Originally published in 1978, it was inspired by, and was intended as a tribute to, George Orwell's novel Nineteen Eighty-Four.

With film rights acquired by Francis Ford Coppola, this comic novel of instant riches is back in stock. From the author of A Clockwork Orange, One Hand Clapping is a comedy of game shows and greed, high stakes and the high life. The tragi-comedy of used car salesman Howard Shirley, his photographic brain, and the …

A Mouthful of Air: Language and Languages, Especially English is a work on the subject of linguistics by Anthony Burgess published in 1992. Among the topics covered are: the mechanics of linguistic sounds; the development of the English language and its connections with other languages; the making of dictionaries; the …

A brilliantly funny spy novel from the author of the ground-breaking A Clockwork Orange. Denis Hillier is an aging British agent based in Yugoslavia. His old school friend Roper has defected to the USSR to become one of the evil empire's great scientific minds. Hillier must bring Roper back to England or risk losing …

Qualquer Ferro Velho é uma novela escrita por Anthony Burgess, que conta a história de uma família galesa, durante os períodos históricos mais determinantes da história da Europa no século XX - as duas Guerras Mundiais e a fundação do estado de Israel.

"Fine, sly, rich comedy. . . "―The New York Times Book Review Dr. Edwin Spindrift has been sent home from Burma with a brain tumor. Closer to words than to people, his sense of reality is further altered by his condition. When he escapes from the hospital the night before his surgery, things and people he hardly knew …

Sem James Joyce a literatura contemporanea nao teria tido sobrevida; sem James Joyce a literatura moderna nao teria tido vida. Verdade ou mentira, o irlandes James Joyce e sinonimo de revolucao, tal como seu provavel modelo, o poeta frances Stephane Mallarme. Joyce e mito, monstro da literatura: louco, ilegivel, …

The End of the World News is a 1982 novel by British author Anthony Burgess. Presented without chapter breaks, the plot weaves together three storylines. One follows Leon Trotsky on a journey to New York City shortly before the Russian Revolution of 1917. This story is written as the libretto of an Off-Broadway …