image of Антъни Бърджес

Антъни Бърджес

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F.X. Enderby, an eccentric British poet, is briefly separated from his muse, when he meets Vesta Bainbridge, a features editor, and marries her

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Mozart and the Wolf Gang is a 1991 novel by Anthony Burgess about the life and world of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Among other things, it attempts to fictionalize Mozart's Symphony No.40. The book is one of a group of Burgess novels with musical themes, the others being Napoleon Symphony: A Novel in Four Movements, …

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The Right to an Answer is a darkly comic 1960 novel by Anthony Burgess, the first of his repatriate years. One of its themes is the disillusionment of the returning exile. The critic William H Pritchard described the novel in a 1966 publication as "surely Burgess' most engaging novel".

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Enderby Outside, first published in 1968 in London by William Heinemann, is the second volume in the Enderby series of comic novels by Anthony Burgess.