1985 är en roman av Anthony Burgess från 1978. Boken som anknyter till George Orwells roman 1984 är indelad i två delar. Del ett består av en essäistisk analys av romanen. Del två är en fiktiv berättelse på samma tema som Orwells roman och handlar om ett Storbritannien som kontrolleras av fackliga organisationer. …

Abba Abba was published in 1977. It is English writer Anthony Burgess's 22nd novel. The theme is the last months in the life of John Keats. The sonnets of Giuseppe Gioacchino Belli that feature in the novel were translated by Burgess's Italian wife, Liana Burgess.

A Mouthful of Air: Language and Languages, Especially English is a work on the subject of linguistics by Anthony Burgess published in 1992. Among the topics covered are: the mechanics of linguistic sounds; the development of the English language and its connections with other languages; the making of dictionaries; the …

With film rights acquired by Francis Ford Coppola, this comic novel of instant riches is back in stock. From the author of A Clockwork Orange, One Hand Clapping is a comedy of game shows and greed, high stakes and the high life. The tragi-comedy of used car salesman Howard Shirley, his photographic brain, and the …

Beard's Roman Women is a 1976 novel by British novelist Anthony Burgess. Dated "Montalbuccio-Monte Carlo-Eze-Callian, Summer 1975", according to Burgess it was written in the back of his Bedford Dormobile as he and his wife, Liana Burgess toured Europe and "partly in the bedroom of a small hotel run by Swiss …

Beds in the East is the third novel in Anthony Burgess's Malayan Trilogy The Long Day Wanes. It was published in 1959. The title is taken from a line spoken by Mark Antony in Antony and Cleopatra, act 2, scene 6: "The beds i' the east are soft; and thanks to you,/That call'd me timelier than my purpose hither;/For I …