Kirsebærhagen er et teaterstykke i fire akter skrevet av Anton Tsjekhov. Uroppførelsen var ved Konstantin Stanislavskij og hans Moskva kunstnerteater 30. Januar 1904 i Moskva. Stykket handler om Ranevskaja, en russisk aristokrat og hennes familie som vender tilbake til familiens gods, som imidlertid er belånt opp til …

Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky, the highly acclaimed translators of War and Peace, Doctor Zhivago, and Anna Karenina, which was an Oprah Book Club pick and million-copy bestseller, bring their unmatched talents to The Selected Stories of Anton Chekhov, a collection of thirty of Chekhov’s best tales from the …

Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky, the highly acclaimed translators of War and Peace, Doctor Zhivago, and Anna Karenina, which was an Oprah Book Club pick and million-copy bestseller, bring their unmatched talents to The Selected Stories of Anton Chekhov, a collection of thirty of Chekhov’s best tales from the …

Chekhov's Dama s sobachkoy (1899) is perhaps the most celebrated example of his shorter prose and one of the most famous stories in Russian literature. The tale of an adulterous liaison, set in Yalta, it shows to greatest effect Chekhov's propensity for the conjuring of mood and atmosphere. The tale's modernity is …

Måken er et skuespill den russiske dramatikeren og novelleforfatteren Anton Tsjekhov skrev i 1895. Som så ofte ved Tsjekovs helaftenstykker, har ikke stykket noen enkel hovedrolleinnehaver, men viser de emosjonelle og kunstneriske konfliktene mellom de fire hovedkarakterene: den kreative og skarpe Nina, den dalende …

Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright David Mamet’s Uncle Vanya is a sparkling restoration of a masterpiece of the modern stage, marked by Mamet’s finely tuned ear for dialogue and memorable poetic imagery.In "Uncle Vanya," a retired professor and his beautiful young wife return to the country estate left by his deceased …