The Nicomachean Ethics is the name normally given to Aristotle's best-known work on ethics. The work, which plays a pre-eminent role in defining Aristotelian ethics, consists of ten books, originally separate scrolls, and is understood to be based on notes from his lectures at the Lyceum, which were either edited by …

A Poétika Arisztotelésztől származik és valószínűleg Kr.e. 335-ben keletkezhetett, eredetileg vázlat volt Arisztotelész előadásaihoz, amely a költészettel és a műfajokkal foglalkozik. Arisztotelész három nagy csoportra osztotta a tudományokat; a Poétika maga a költői tudomány egy részével fogalalkozik, azaz a teremtő …

Politics is a work of political philosophy by Aristotle, a 4th-century BC Greek philosopher. The end of the Nicomachean Ethics declared that the inquiry into ethics necessarily follows into politics, and the two works are frequently considered to be parts of a larger treatise, or perhaps connected lectures, dealing …

Preserved by Arabic mathematicians and canonized by Christian scholars, Aristotle’s works have shaped Western thought, science, and religion for nearly two thousand years. Richard McKeon’s The Basic Works of Aristotle–constituted out of the definitive Oxford translation and in print as a Random House hardcover for …

With the emergence of democracy in the city-state of Athens in the years around 460 BC, public speaking became an essential skill for politicians in the Assemblies and Councils - and even for ordinary citizens in the courts of law. In response, the technique of rhetoric rapidly developed, bringing virtuoso …

Arisztotelész Metafizika könyve 14 általános mű gyűjteménye, melyeket az első összkiadásnál a fizikai írások mögé soroltak be. Innen ered a metafizika tudományának a megjelölése, amely azt vizsgálja mi van a természet mögött. Ezekben a művekben Arisztotelész a tudásnak azt a formáját keresi, ami a legalkalmasabb a a …

If you truly want to understand rhetoric at its core basis, this is where you have to get started. Aristotle's Rhetoric is one of the clearest writings in history on the subject of rhetoric and dialectic, presented by a master of the art and one of the greatest philosophers of all time.During the times of Plato and …

The Physics of Aristotle is one of the foundational books of Western science and philosophy. As Martin Heidegger once wrote; The Physics is a lecture in which he seeks to determine beings that arise on their own, τὰ φύσει ὄντα, with regard to their being. Aristotelian "physics" is different from what we mean today by …