The Trigger is a 1999 science fiction novel by Arthur C. Clarke and Michael P. Kube-McDowell. It is an attempt to explore the social impact of technological change.
The View from Serendip is a collection of essays and anecdotes by Arthur C. Clarke, first published in 1977. The pieces include Clarke's experiences with diving, his relationships with other science fiction authors such as Isaac Asimov, and other personal memoirs. There are also reproductions of past lectures, as well …
Vojna svetov je román H. G. Wellsa z roku 1898. V češtine vyšiel pod názvom Den Trifidů. Kniha patrí medzi najznámejšie sci-fi diela, ktoré ovplyvnili neskorších autorov. Román sa skladá z dvoch častí, Book One: The Coming of the Martians a Book Two: The Earth under the Martians. Príbeh prvej časti je rozprávaný v v …