Výprava na Zemi je sbírka povídek britského spisovatele Arthura Charlese Clarka. Vyšla v roce 1953. Česky byla publikována v roce 2007 nakladatelstvím Baronet s překladem Zdeňka Volného. Povídková sbírka obsahuje autorovu předmluvu a 11 povídek, z nichž stěžejní je "Hlídka", jejíž námět Clarke později použil v románu …
The Deep Range is a 1957 Arthur C. Clarke science fiction novel concerning a future sub-mariner who helps farm the seas. The story includes the capture of a sea monster similar to a kraken. It is based on a short story of the same name that was published in April 1954, in Argosy magazine. The short story was later …
Islands in the Sky is a 1952 science fiction novel by Arthur C. Clarke. It is one of his earliest and lesser known works. Clarke wrote the story as a travelogue of human settlement of cislunar space in the last half of the Twenty-First Century. This is one of the thirty-five juvenile novels that constitute the Winston …
Reach for Tomorrow is a collection of short stories by science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke. The stories all originally appeared in a number of different publications.
The Wind from the Sun is a 1972 collection of short stories by science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke. Some of the stories originally appeared in a number of different publications. A part of the book was included in CD on board the Planetary Society's solar sail, Cosmos 1.
The Other Side of the Sky is a collection of short stories by science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke originally published in 1958. The stories all originally appeared in a number of different publications.
The Lost Worlds of 2001 is a 1972 book by Arthur C. Clarke, published by Signet as an accompaniment to the novel 2001: A Space Odyssey. The book itself consists in part of behind-the-scenes notes from Clarke concerning scriptwriting, as well as production issues. The core of the book, however, is contained in excerpts …
Glide Path is a novel by Arthur C. Clarke, published in 1963. Clarke's only non-science fiction novel, it is set during World War II, and tells a fictionalized version of the development of the radar-based ground-controlled approach aircraft landing system, and includes a character modeled on Luis Alvarez, who …
Spoušť je sci-fi román z roku 1999. Autory jsou Arthur C. Clarke a Michael P. Kube-McDowell. Kniha se zabývá sociálním dopadem způsobeným náhlým velkým technologickým pokrokem.
Richter 10 is a 1996 novel by Arthur C. Clarke and Mike McQuay. The protagonist is Lewis Crane, who develops a hatred of earthquakes due to a major earthquake hitting his house when he is seven years old, killing his parents. The book's title is a reference to the Richter scale, on which 10 was considered to be the …