Airport är en roman skriven av Arthur Hailey, som blev en bestseller 1968. 1970 blev den filmatiserad med den svenska titeln Airport – flygplatsen. Boken utspelar sig på fiktiva "Lincoln International Airport" i den amerikanska delstaten Illinois. Den här artikeln är helt eller delvis baserad på material från …

Hotel is a 1965 novel by Arthur Hailey. It is the story of an independent New Orleans hotel, the St. Gregory, and its management's struggle to regain profitability and avoid being assimilated into the O'Keefe chain of hotels. The St. Gregory is supposedly based on the Roosevelt Hotel, although the old St. Charles …

Wheels is a novel by Arthur Hailey, concerning the automobile industry and the day-to-day pressures involved in its operation. The plot lines follow many of the topical issues of the day, including race relations, corporate politics, and business ethics. The auto company of the novel is a little-disguised Ford Motor …

The Moneychangers is a 1975 novel written by Arthur Hailey. The plot revolves around the politics inside a major bank.

Detective is a novel by Arthur Hailey. It was written in 1997 and it was the author's last book. Hailey depicts the work of the homicide department and its background and investigation methods.

Overload is a novel by Arthur Hailey, concerning the electricity production industry in California and the activities of the employees and others involved with Golden State Power and Light, a fictional California public service company. The plot follows many of the issues of the day, including race relations, …