Every mystery has an explanation, and detective Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson are sure to explain why a supernatural black hound seems to be plaguing the Baskerville family. The recent death of Sir Charles Baskerville has renewed the family's fear in the beast. Using his quintessential blend of observation and …

A Sherlock Holmes kalandjai Arthur Conan Doyle által írt tizenkét történet gyűjteménye, amelyeket Sidney Paget illusztrált. Ez a Sherlock Holmes novellák közül az első kötet, amit a Strand Magazine 1891 júliusától 1892 júniusáig adott ki. A könyvet a George Newnes Ltd által 1892. október 14-én adták ki Angliában. A …

"In 1887, a young Arthur Conan Doyle published A Study in Scarlet, thus creating an international icon in the quick-witted sleuth Sherlock Holmes. In this, the first Holmes mystery, the detective introduces himself to Dr. John H. Watson with the puzzling line "You have been in Afghanistan, I perceive." And so begins …

The Sign of the Four, also called The Sign of Four, is the second novel featuring Sherlock Holmes written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Doyle wrote four novels and 56 stories starring the fictional detective. The story is set in 1888. The Sign of the Four has a complex plot involving service in East India Company, India, …

The New Annotated Sherlock Holmes is a series of three annotated books edited by Leslie S. Klinger, collecting all of Arthur Conan Doyle's short stories and novels about Sherlock Holmes. The books were originally published by W. W. Norton in oversized slipcased hardcover editions. The first two volumes containing the …

Az elveszett világ 1912-ben megjelent sci-fi regény, melynek szerzője a brit Arthur Conan Doyle. A műben egy világhírű tudós, George Edward Challenger professzor expedíciót indít egy dél-amerikai fennsíkra, ahol állítólag őslények élnek.

The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes is a collection of Sherlock Holmes stories, originally published in 1894, by Arthur Conan Doyle.

The eccentric detective Sherlock Holmes with the aid of Dr. Watson investigates strange and baffling mysteries

A Sherlock Homes visszatér című angol nyelven kiadott novelláskötetet Sir Arthur Conan Doyle angol író 1903-tól 1905-ig írt Sherlock Holmes novelláit foglalja magába. A könyv angolról-magyarra fordítását 3-an végezték, Takácsy Gizella, Boronkay Zsuzsa és, Nikowitz Oszkár. Kiadója az: Ifjúsági Lap- és Könyvkiadó …

The Valley of Fear is the fourth and final Sherlock Holmes novel by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. It is loosely based on the Molly Maguires and Pinkerton agent James McParland. The story was first published in the Strand Magazine between September 1914 and May 1915. The first book edition was copyrighted in 1914, and it was …