Tales from the White Hart is a collection of short stories by science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke, in the "club tales" style. Thirteen of the fifteen stories originally appeared across a number of different publications. "Moving Spirit" and "The Defenestration of Ermintrude Inch" were first published in this book …
Tales From Planet Earth is a collection of science fiction short stories by Arthur C. Clarke originally published in 1990.
Sånger från vår fjärran jord är en science fiction-roman av Arthur C. Clarke, ursprungligen utgiven 1986 och baserad på en novell av honom med samma namn, publicerad 1958. I berättelsen skildras en framtida civilisation som tvingats lämna Jorden, efter att Solen blivit en nova.
Sunstorm is a 2005 science fiction novel co-written by Arthur C. Clarke and Stephen Baxter. It is the second book in the series A Time Odyssey. The books in this series are often likened to the Space Odyssey series, although the Time Odyssey novels ostensibly deal with time where the Space Odyssey novels dealt with …