The Collected Stories of Arthur C. Clarke, first published in 2001, is a collection of almost all science fiction stories written by Arthur C. Clarke: it includes 114 in all arranged in order of publication, "Travel by Wire!" in 1937 through to "Improving the Neighbourhood" in 1999. The story "Improving The …

The View from Serendip is a collection of essays and anecdotes by Arthur C. Clarke, first published in 1977. The pieces include Clarke's experiences with diving, his relationships with other science fiction authors such as Isaac Asimov, and other personal memoirs. There are also reproductions of past lectures, as well …

A Cidade e as Estrelas é um livro do escritor britânico Arthur C. Clarke, de 1956. A história se passa a milhões de anos no futuro. O livro conta a história de Alvin, um jovem cidadão de Diaspar. Diaspar é a última cidade humana, totalmente autosuficiente e cercada por muralhas no coração de um deserto; a humanidade …