"All My Sons" on Arthur Milleri näidend, tema esimene menunäidend. Näidendis on leitud tugevat Henrik Ibseni ja antiiktragöödia mõju. Näidend esietendus New Yorgis Broadwayl Coronet Theatre'is 29. jaanuaril 1947 Elia Kazani lavastuses. Seda lavastust mängiti 328 korda. Näidend võitis New Yorgi Draamakriitikute Ringi …

After the Fall is a play by the American dramatist Arthur Miller. The original performance opened in New York City on January 23, 1964, directed by Elia Kazan and starring Barbara Loden and Jason Robards, Jr., along with Ralph Meeker and an early appearance by Faye Dunaway. Kazan also collaborated with Miller on the …

Eddie Carbone is a longshoreman and a straightforward man, with a strong sense of decency and of honour. For Eddie, it's a privilege to take in his wife's cousins, straight off the boat from Italy. But, as his niece begins to fall for one of them, it's clear that it's not just, as Eddie claims, that he's too strange, …