This edition embraces Strindberg's crucial transition from Naturalism to Modernism, from his two finest achievements as a psychological realist, The Father and Miss Julie, to the three plays in which he redefined the possibilities of European drama following his return to the theatre in 1898, A Dream Play, The Ghost …

Tjenestekvinnens sønn er en selvbiografisk roman av August Strindberg utgitt i 1886. Hovedpersonen har navnet Johan, og romanen skildrer hans oppvekst med familiesituasjon, økonomi og sosial status. Romanens tittel kommer av at forfatterens far giftet seg med familiens tjenestepike, og er også en referanse til Første …

This autobiographical novel is based on Strindberg's life in the 1870s and 1880s, and focuses on his marriage to Siri von Essen. It purports to be a vehicle for explaining to himself his role in the relationship from its ecstatic beginnings to its catastrophic conclusion. The novel was written in French and the French …