Blind Faith is an English dystopian novel by writer and comedian Ben Elton, published in 2007.

Chart Throb is a 2006 novel by Ben Elton. It was released in hardback on 6 November 2006 in the UK, and 9 January 2007 in the US. It is a satire of The X Factor/Pop Idol-style reality TV programmes.

Dödskänd är en satirisk roman av engelsmannen Ben Elton som kom ut 2001. Dödskänd handlar om några personers liv i en dokusåpa, som är misstänkt lik Big Brother, med namnet "Husarrest". Huset är helt TV-övervakat, men ändå blir någon mördad utan att någon ser det. Kriminalare Coleridge tar sig an fallet, men det blir …

Inconceivable is a 1999 novel by Ben Elton, following a childless couple's efforts to conceive. The story is told in the form of journal entries by the two principal characters. It was adapted into the film Maybe Baby, which was directed by Elton.

The war on drugs has been lost but for want of the courage to face the fact that the whole world is rapidly becoming one vast criminal network. From pop stars and princes to crack whores and street kids. From the Groucho Club toilets to the poppy fields of Afghanistan, we are all partners in crime. HIGH SOCIETY is a …