Mr Puntila and his Man Matti is an epic comedy by the German modernist playwright Bertolt Brecht. It was written in 1940 and first performed in 1948. The story describes the aristocratic land-owner Puntila's relationship to his servant, Matti, as well as his daughter, Eva, who he wants to marry off to an Attaché. Eva …
O Círculo de Giz Caucasiano é uma peça de teatro escrita em 1944 nos E.U.A. pelo escritor alemão Bertolt Brecht. Tradução para o portugues de Manuel Bandeira, edição da Editora Cosac Naify. Está situada na época da Revolução Russa. Sinopse: O Círculo de Giz Caucasiano fala de questões como a Justiça, a guerra e o amor …
The Trial of Lucullus is a short didactic radio play by the German dramatist Bertolt Brecht written in verse. In it, the great Roman general Lucullus appears after death before a judge and jury of the underworld, who are to decide whether he should be condemned to Hades or admitted to the Elysian fields. The jury, …