image of Blaise Pascal

Blaise Pascal

... Unknown

Pensées is een postuum uitgegeven boek van de Franse filosoof, theoloog, wis- en natuurkundige Blaise Pascal. Pascal presenteert de jansenistische visie dat waarheden van de rede nooit kunnen volstaan om als basis te dienen voor zoiets groots als religie. Tot op een zekere hoogte kan de rede garantie bieden voor …

... Unknown

For much of his life, Pascal (1623-62) worked on a magnum opus which was never published in the form the philosopher intended. Instead, Pascal left a mass of fragments, some of them meant as notes for the Apologie. These became known as the Pensées, and they occupy a crucial place in Western philosophy and religious …

... Unknown
... Unknown

Included in this volume are fourteen of the fragments intended for Pascal's Jansenist-inspired defense of the Christian religion. Using the Chevalier edition, these are grouped to present a logical development of three themes, "The State of Man in Ignorance of God," "The Wager," and "The Christian Life." This …

... Unknown