Under the Sunset is a collection of short stories by Bram Stoker, first published in 1881. Its significance in the development of fantasy literature was recognized by its republication by the Newcastle Publishing Company as the seventeenth volume of the celebrated Newcastle Forgotten Fantasy Library series in October, …
The Snake's Pass is an 1890 novel by Bram Stoker. It centers on the legend of Saint Patrick defeating the King of the Snakes in Ireland. The novel also centers on the troubled romance between the main character and a local peasant girl. The Snake's Pass was Bram Stoker's second imperial fiction novel, and was first …
La dama del sudario è un romanzo di Bram Stoker scritto in forma epistolare. Il tutto è ambientato nei territori est europei con una rilevante vena vampirica. Tuttavia il testo non narra di vampiri, per quanto nella maggior parte del romanzo questa sia l'impressione. Il romanzo è conosciuto anche con il titolo "la …