Drakula – XIX-wieczna powieść gotycka irlandzkiego pisarza Brama Stokera, przedstawiająca walkę grupy ochotników z wampirem Drakulą.

The Lair of the White Worm is a horror novel by Irish author Bram Stoker. It is partly based on the legend of the Lambton Worm. The book was published in 1911 by Rider and Son in the UK, the year before Stoker's death, with color illustrations by Pamela Colman Smith. In 1925, it was republished in a highly abridged …

Drakula – XIX-wieczna powieść gotycka irlandzkiego pisarza Brama Stokera, przedstawiająca walkę grupy ochotników z wampirem Drakulą.

Drakula – XIX-wieczna powieść gotycka irlandzkiego pisarza Brama Stokera, przedstawiająca walkę grupy ochotników z wampirem Drakulą.

The Lady of the Shroud is a novella by Bram Stoker, written in 1909. The book is an epistolary novel, narrated in the first person via letters and diary extracts from various characters, but mainly Rupert. The initial sections, leading up to the reading of the uncle's will, told by other characters, suggest that …