諸神之城:伊嵐翠是本單本完結的奇幻小說,作者為美國奇幻小說作家布蘭登·山德森,本書也是該作者第一本得以出版的作品。 布蘭登·山德森在受訪時曾經提及他有打算寫該書的續集,出書時間則是未知數。

'I loved this book. What else is there to say?' Patrick Rothfuss According to mythology mankind used to live in The Tranquiline Halls. Heaven. But then the Voidbringers assaulted and captured heaven, casting out God and men. Men took root on Roshar, the world of storms. And the Voidbringers followed... They came …

Brandon Sanderson's epic Stormlight Archive continues with his #1 New York Times bestselling Words of Radiance. Six years ago, the Assassin in White killed the Alethi king, and now he's murdering rulers all over Roshar; among his prime targets is Highprince Dalinar. Kaladin is in command of the royal bodyguards, a …

From #1 New York Times bestselling author Brandon Sanderson, the Mistborn series is a heist story of political intrigue and magical, martial-arts action. Three hundred years after the events of the Mistborn trilogy, Kelsier and Vin have passed into the realm of history and myth, and the world of Scadrial is on the …

《邪恶图书馆》是美国作家布兰登·山德森的青少年奇幻文学作品,全系列共有四集。作者原定将会写作五集,但由于与出版社的合约问题,目前只推出了四集。 2014年12月,公布英文版第五集预计于2016年夏天推出。

The #1 New York Times bestseller from Brandon Sanderson, the author of Oathbringer, coauthor of Robert Jordan’s The Wheel of Time series, and creator of the internationally bestselling Mistborn trilogy. And don’t miss the rest of the Reckoners series: Firefight and Calamity. How far would you go for revenge if someone …