American psycho er den tredje romanen til den amerikanske forfatteren Bret Easton Ellis. Den ble utgitt første gang i 1991, og på norsk av Tiden forlag i 1992. Romanen er lagt til et miljø av unge børsmeglere som jobber på Wall Street mot slutten av 1980-tallet. Den regnes for å være en kritikk av grådighetssamfunnet …

The Rules of Attraction is a dark comedy and satirical novel by Bret Easton Ellis published in 1987. The novel focuses on a handful of rowdy and often sexually promiscuous, spoiled bohemian college students at a liberal arts college in 1980s New Hampshire, primarily focusing on three of them who find themselves in a …

Lunar Park er Bret Easton Ellis' femte roman. Den ble publisert i 2005. Boken er blitt kalt en semi-selvbiografi og en metaroman, fordi forfatteren selv er hovedperson i boka.

The author of American Psycho and Less Than Zero continues to shock and haunt us with his incisive and brilliant dissection of the modern world. In his most ambitious and gripping book yet, Bret Easton Ellis takes our celebrity obsessed culture and increases the volume exponentially.Victor Ward, a model with perfect …

The Informers is a collection of short stories, seemingly linked by the same continuity, authored by American author Bret Easton Ellis. It was first published as a whole in 1994. Chapters 6 and 7, "Water from the Sun" and "Discovering Japan", were published separately in the UK by Picador in 2007. It displays …

Imperial Bedrooms is a novel by American author Bret Easton Ellis. Released on June 15, 2010, it is the sequel to Less Than Zero, Ellis' 1985 bestselling literary debut, which was shortly followed by a film adaptation in 1987. Imperial Bedrooms revisits Less Than Zero's self-destructive and disillusioned youths as …