image of Brian Kernighan

Brian Kernighan

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Just about every C programmer I respect learned C from this book. Unlike many of the 1,000 page doorstops stuffed with CD-ROMs that have become popular, this volume is concise and powerful (if somewhat dangerous) -- like C itself. And it was written by Kernighan himself. Need we say more?

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The Practice of Programming by Brian W. Kernighan and Rob Pike is a 1999 book about computer programming and software engineering, published by Addison-Wesley. According to the preface, the book is about "topics like testing, debugging, portability, performance, design alternatives, and style," which, according to the …

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The Unix Programming Environment, first published in 1984 by Prentice Hall, is a book written by Brian W. Kernighan and Rob Pike, both of Bell Labs and considered an important and early document of the Unix operating system.

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يعد كتاب 'عناصر أسلوب البرمجة لبرايان دبليو كرنيجهان و بي جيه بلوجير هو دراسة لأسلوب البرمجة، حيث يدعو لفكرة أنه يجب كتابة برامج الكمبيوتر ليس فقط من أجل إرضاء المصنف أو "أسلوب" البرمجة الشخصي، ولكن أيضا حتى تكون "قابلة للقراءة" من جانب البشر، خاصة مهندسي صيانة البرمجيات ومبرمج و الكتاب التقنيين. ويقدم الكتاب إجلال …

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