Of Other Worlds is a 1966 anthology of literary criticism by C. S. Lewis and published posthumously by the executors of his estate. It was edited by Lewis' secretary and eventual literary executor Walter Hooper. The first part of the anthology consists of several essays that cover Lewis' ideas about the creation of …

الأسد، الساحرة وخزانة الملابس هي رواية فنتازيا للأطفال من تأليف سي. إس. لويس ونشرت في عام 1950. كما تم نشرها في 47 لغة أجنبية. تبدأ القصة في عام 1940 خلال الحرب العالمية الثانية، عندما يتم اجلاء أربعة أشقاء هم بيتر وسوزان وإدموند ولوسي من لندن هرباً من …

Studies in Words is a work of linguistic scholarship written by C. S. Lewis and published by the Cambridge University Press in 1960. In this book, Lewis examines the history of various words used in the English language which have changed their meanings often quite widely throughout the centuries. The meanings in the …