image of C.S. Lewis

C.S. Lewis

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The Screwtape Letters is a Christian apologetic novel by C. S. Lewis. It is written in a satirical, epistolary style and while it is fictional in format, the plot and characters are used to address Christian theological issues, primarily those to do with temptation and resistance to it. First published in February …

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Løven, heksen og garderobeskabet er den første bog i C.S. Lewis' fantasy-serie Narnia-fortællingerne. Bogen er udgivet i 1950 og handler om fire menneskebørn, der tager gennem et garderobeskab til Narnia og bl.a. møder løven Aslan og den onde isdronning. Bogen regnes som den mest kendte i serien og er flere gange …

... Unknown

Spirits in Bondage was C. S. Lewis's first published work. Lewis was twenty years old and had just returned from military service in the First World War. His tutor, William T. Kirkpatrick, encouraged him in publishing the book, although it was unusual at Lewis's age, as writers were expected to wait longer before …