Romanen Sølvstolen er den sjette av bøkene i Narniaserien av C.S. Lewis. Boken var den fjerde av bøkene fra forfatterens hånd, men inngår som den sjette i serien, etter narniask kronologi. Hovedpersonene i boka er de engelske barna Eustace Clarence Scrubb og Jill Pole, og den narnianske myrvrikkeren Dysterpytt. …
Studies in Words is a work of linguistic scholarship written by C. S. Lewis and published by the Cambridge University Press in 1960. In this book, Lewis examines the history of various words used in the English language which have changed their meanings often quite widely throughout the centuries. The meanings in the …
Spirits in Bondage was C. S. Lewis's first published work. Lewis was twenty years old and had just returned from military service in the First World War. His tutor, William T. Kirkpatrick, encouraged him in publishing the book, although it was unusual at Lewis's age, as writers were expected to wait longer before …