The Discarded Image: An Introduction to Medieval and Renaissance Literature is non-fiction and the last book written by C. S. Lewis. It deals with medieval cosmology and the Ptolemaic universe, and portrays the medieval conception of a "model" of the world. This model formed "the medieval synthesis itself, the whole …

Of Other Worlds is a 1966 anthology of literary criticism by C. S. Lewis and published posthumously by the executors of his estate. It was edited by Lewis' secretary and eventual literary executor Walter Hooper. The first part of the anthology consists of several essays that cover Lewis' ideas about the creation of …

Opowiesci z Narnii to siedmioczesciowy cykl powiesciowy autorstwa Clivea Staplesa Lewisa 18981963 angielskiego pisarza filozofa i wykladowcy literatury sredniowiecznej i renesansowej na uniwersytecie w Oksfordzie Ksiazki o fantastycznej krainie Narnii powstaly w latach 195056 i osiagnely wielki sukces w Europie i USA …